GOAL: $280,000 over 3 Years
I Invite You…..
…….to join movers and shakers in changing the future!
Catalyst, for over 10 years of existence God has been a constant force of strength, hope, and faithfulness for our church. We’ve come this far by faith, and faith is going to lead us on! God has blessed us to own our worship facility and moved us out the “wilderness” into the “Promised Land.” With this new facility, we have the unique ability to expand our capacity to do ministry, make a greater impact, and change the community for the greater good. Catalyst, IT’S POSSIBLE!!!
Campaign Goals
As we celebrate our 10th Year Anniversary, there are 3 goals:
- Revive the simple beauty of the church through enhancements to the sanctuary, administrative offices, equipment, and exterior
- Renew our commitment to outreach through community impact, our scholarship fund, and youth programming
- Remove the current mortgage on the building
Please pray about the special gift God is leading you to gift to Catalyst.
This special gift is above and beyond your regular tithe and offering and will be given over a 3-year timeframe. God has the power if you have the faith.
Suggested Donation Levels:
$10,000 ($3,333/year/3years)= $64.09/week
$5,000 ($1,667/year/3years)= $32.06/week
$ 2,500 ($833/year/3years)= $16.02/week
$ 1,000 ($333/year/3years)= $6.40/week